Supporting Gorilla Welfare

November 8, 2023

Photo Credit: Fernan Vaz Gorilla Project

We supported PASA (Pan African Sanctuary Alliance) and their member sanctuary Fernan-Vaz Gorilla Project (FVGP) in Gabon to introduce two rescued gorillas (critically endangered Western lowland gorillas) into a group of nine gorillas that live on a protected island. Once the social dynamics of the group of eleven gorillas is functioning well and other release criteria are ensured, the entire group will be released into the wild, a milestone in saving the species from extinction.

PASA stated “With the successful completion of the integration enclosure, made possible thanks to the generosity of the Joanna Toole Foundation, a family of nine gorillas living on a protected island will be joined by two rescued gorillas, Niout and Maya. Eventually, the entire group will be released back into the wild. Thank you!

Fernan-Vaz Gorilla Project’s mission is toconserve great apes and promote community livelihoods through the protection of biodiversity in the Fernan-Vaz region of Gabon. FVGP objectives are to protect local biodiversity, support local communities that share habitat and natural resources with wild great apes, promote environmental and great ape conservation awareness through tourism and education, rescue and rehabilitate legally confiscated gorillas orphaned from poaching or human-wildlife conflicts, provide long-term care for orphaned gorillas who cannot be reintroduced back into the wild, promote the reintroduction of younger orphaned gorillas back into the wild using IUCN guidelines, and promote legal advocacy for the protection of threatened species in the Fernan-Vaz region. It was established in 2001 and is a member of the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance.

The design and construction of the enclosure was planned and executed by experts from within the PASA network. (photo credit: Fernan Vaz Gorilla Project)