The foundation were delighted to be able to support the movement of Siti the macaque to a new home at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre, following her rescue from the illegal wildlife trade.
Siti, an endangered Moor Macaque (Macaca maura), was rescued from the illegal wildlife trade in Malaysia, after having been trafficked and kept as a pet for the first few months of her life. Following being rescued by local authorities, a temporary home was found for her at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, who asked Wild Welfare for assistance in finding Siti a new, more suitable situation. Through their partnerships and networks with animal welfare NGOs and wildlife facilities across the region, Wild Welfare were able to find a new home for her at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centre, on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia, where the species is endemic.

Siti on her long journey to her new home (Photo Credit: Wild Welfare)
The complex logistics of transporting Siti across an international border were far from simple. Covid restrictions, strict health tests and export requirements, along with complicated and lengthy flight or ferry routes made it very challenging to arrange for her to return to her native home. However, thanks to efforts from multiple groups, she finally made it!
Siti has been gradually been introduced to other macaques for the first time after years of living a solitary life. She now has moved from a tiny cage to a space where she can climb trees, forage for food, play and groom, ensuring she has a better quality of life with the chance to thrive. Wild Welfare stated “We would like to sincerely thank the Trustees of the Joanna Toole Foundation for your generous support of thisproject to give Siti the chance of a better life, we are extremely grateful!“